Picking the right canine companion for your family is not as simple as it seems. Our experience has taught us that success begins with selecting the best, most suitable puppy at the right age. To this end, Gail Cappadona will either hand-select a companion for you or actively participate in its selection with you. From there, she and her assistant of 30 years will remain in regular contact during the entire schooling process. The term begins at 8 weeks and can last anywhere from 2 to 18 months. It all depends on a client’s specific needs and requests.
Should you choose to entrust your puppy in our care, training will be done in Gail’s home environment and receive her complete focus–there are never more than two pups in Cappa’s program at any one time.
Our national clientele hails from every walk of life: CEOs, Entertainment Executives, Doctors, Lawyers, Mental Health Organizations, and Veterans in need.
- Help our clients select the most suitable breed
- Guide in selecting the best pup for your circumstances
- Teach the puppy to fully engage with its "human" handler
- Teach “human” handlers how to communicate effectively with the pup
- Provide support and direction throughout the learning process
In May of 2022, after almost 4 decades in the commercial breeding, training and dog boarding industry, Gail Cappadona sold her kennel. Now, with the time to pursue her passion, she is free to create the highly personalized, tailor-made training programs she knows will deliver the best result for human and canine companions, alike. Not surprisingly, since selling her kennel, clients have beaten a path to her door.
With an extensive background training dogs from all walks of life, Gail is well-known and respected for her working German Shepherds. Under her stewardship, Cappa’s breeding program bred, raised, and trained some of New England’s most distinguished police dogs, a multitude of companion and skilled service dogs, and dozens of working dogs including a canine sentry for Air Force One. Recommended by veterinarians throughout New England, Gail’s profound understanding of dog behavior has made her their go-to resource for training and problem-solving. Known for a balanced style predicated on the idea that “in order to build an unbreakable bond with your dog, the focus must always be on you and your relationship.” Using consistency, repetition, clarity, and positive reinforcement, Gail can gain her charge’s undivided attention and teach them the lessons she wants them to learn. To her, every day is a training day, and every interaction a teachable moment. Even 3–4-week-old Cappa’s German Shepherds know that it “pays to play.”

A few years ago, I had a perspective client come to me looking for additional dog training. Her young dog had just been to an in-kennel program for a month, and within two weeks of being home, he was up to his old tricks. She said, “It was as if he never went to school.” I asked her how much follow up had been done since he returned home?” Her reply: “But I thought he was already trained. Isn’t that what I paid for?”
Almost anyone can teach basic commands like sit and down, but because dogs learn contextually, they may perform behaviors perfectly for a trainer in his kennel yard, but not so once home. Often there’s a short-lived honeymoon period before the wheels come off. Sadly, the lessons taught offsite rarely carry over without continued practice from human and canine, alike.
In order to get the dog you want, and build that unbreakable bond for a lifetime, there must be mutual respect and understanding, a sense of fairness, realistic goals and a willingness to do the work. You don’t have to be a drill sergeant but rather a partner that’s in it for the long haul—one who uses consistency and appropriate consequences to achieve long-term success. By doing the work, I believe I can teach you and your dog how to get there.

Cappa’s Life Skills 101
$1,500 per week – 4 Week Minimum
In-Home training at Cappa’s with Gail One month from 8-12 weeks
Skills include:
- Crate training
- House breaking
- Introduction to leash walking
- Potty training on and off leash
- Proper socialization on and off property- in public settings, with humans & other dogs
- Support via Zoom/Facetime/Phone

Video Consultation
$75 per 30-minute session
Consult off-site when feasible*
$250 per hour
* Additional travel charges may apply

Gail will help you select the best puppy to suit your environment
Additional travel and/or consultation & research time will apply
Embark Genetic Testing

Service & Therapy Dogs – Specialized Training
- Must complete Cappa’s Readiness Program
- Pricing based on length and special needs
- Training period is normally 12 to 18 months.
- Guidance during the certification process. Includes International Certification

- Puppy will be preselected by Gail
- Embark Genetic Testing Included
- At 8 weeks to a pre-approved home
* Puppies for sale pending availability
* Non-refundable deposit – $1,500
Please note that Cappa’s will take in-house a maximum of 2 puppies at one time and only one puppy if it is being raised for spealized “service” training.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express Accepted with a 3% fee.
- 24/7 supervision provided
- Appropriate socialization with other animals
- An enriching, educational environment for puppies
- Hands-on care & training in a safe, home environment
- At a minimum, training will include housebreaking, crate training, leash manners, basic commands, and recall
- Possibility for more depending on the length of the stay
Email: care@cappaskennel.com

David & Donna T. Biddeford

To say that Gail is our dog trainer, understates her knowledge and skill set which enabled us to get the most out of our GSD. Her expertise of dog behavior along with her years of experience working with owners and dogs, got us through the stressful process of incorporating Frankie, our girl, into the family and creating a true lifelong companion.
We got our 8 week old GSD puppy the week after Thanksgiving and by Christmas we were in shock as Frankie was in complete control of the household. Fortunately, after hearing about what we were experiencing, a friend highly recommended Gail.
Along with working with Frankie, Gail incorporated us into the training process by having us reinforce the training sessions at home. Gail guided us through the different stages our puppy was going through and taught us how to interpret/understand her reactions to different stimuli and situations. As such, we made continuous progress towards the desired end result. With Gail’s help, what previously was frustrating and confusing became clear and understandable, allowing us to stay focused on achieving positive results while avoiding the pitfalls of the untrained owner.
Gail has always made herself available to work us through the many challenges that are part of successful dog training and without her help and guidance we would never have gotten to where we find ourselves today, with a great companion and a fully incorporated family member.
Marc Braun & Wiggy

After 20+ years of making the Marine Corps my career, I was struggling with readjusting back to civilian life and little by little, I was struggling with physiological barriers. I had difficulty in social situations, anxiety, panic attacks and hypervigilance. A mental health professional with the Veteran Affairs recommended that a service dog might help me with my quality of life. I applied for an interview with a prominent local service dog organization that was specifically tailored to Veterans with PTSD, needless to say, it didn’t work out with a dog that I owned, so I decided to drop the course, before I even started.
Little did I know what the future had in store for me, when through a mutual friend, I was introduced to Gail and my life was about to change. I was a bit apprehensive when we started discussing Service Dog training for my physiological barriers, but her empathy and explanation of a roadmap to achieve a better quality of life resonated with me to further develop my treatment plan. Then she introduced me to Ludwig Vom Humerock…..AKA Wiggy, my Service Dog.
I had stepped over the threshold like nowhere I have ever been, Gail was amazing, I felt privileged to have someone that knows all aspect of dogs and their capabilities. Her technical training as a handler in my opinion is unmatched, she is professional, friendly, and accommodating. My life today has been forever changed thanks to Gail.