How to Leash Train a Puppy

In Kennel Dog Training All breeds

Bebe 1

Click to watch Gail demonstrate how to leash train a puppy. Notice that Gail walks backwards to keep this 3 month old Boxer’s full attention.  Bebe has been at Cappa’s kennel for the past week. Her owner had an unfortunate family emergency, and rather than postpone her pup’s training, the decision was made to have Bebe stay “in kennel” for the month.

At Cappa’s “in kennel” puppy training for very young dogs should really be labeled “in house.” All pups like Bebe live in Gail’s home during their stay. In addition to formal training sessions and off campus field trips, young students become part of the household–where appropriate levels of socialization (canine and human) take place throughout the day. During the 7 days Bebe’s been at Cappa’s, she’s not only become much less reactive but polished her sit, down and “place”while learning how to walk calmly on a leash. If you watch the video, notice that Gail’s voice is encouraging and engaging. Fear, compulsion or yanking are simply not a part of the gig. Bebe’s transitions are fluid and seamless and her demeanor is happy and upbeat. Clearly she’s having a ball.